Herpes Simplex Virus, often shortened to HSV, is one of the most common and also most misunderstood sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the world. While other STIs, such as gonorrhea and chlamydia, have a cure available, HSV has no cure; however, if someone has been diagnosed with this virus, there are treatment options available. These treatment options can be used to control outbreaks if they are given right away. It is important for everyone to understand some basic information regarding this virus so they can take steps to protect themselves and their partners against their symptoms and transmission.
First, there are two main types of Herpes Simplex Virus. They are broken down into:
HSV1: This is the oral form of herpes. This strain of the virus is typically transmitted via mouth to mouth contact, making contact with open sores or saliva. This class of Herpes Simplex Virus causes outbreaks in and around the mouth and lips. They are often called coldsores.
HSV2: This is the other type of Herpes Simplex Virus. This is the genital form, which causes warts to develop. The warts typically show up around the genitals and anal area. This strain of the virus is transmitted mostly through sexual contact.
No matter what strain of Herpes Simplex Virus someone might have been diagnosed with, it can be embarrassing and difficult to death with. Therefore, it is important for people to understand their options. One such option is something called telemedicine, which might be able to help people find medical care more quickly.
The Advent of Telemedicine
For those who might be unaware of this treatment option, telemedicine allows people the option of seeing a doctor in a virtual setting. Instead of taking the time to drive to a doctor’s office, people can “go to the doctor” with the push of a button from a computer screen. While many people might be surprised to know that this treatment option actually exists, telemedicine has become more popular for a number of different reasons.
First, the technology in the healthcare field has changed. Therefore, a lot of medicine can be handled remotely. Lab tests, medical imaging, and even data collection can be done remotely. Then, the doctor can take a look at the results without ever requiring the patient to set foot in his or her office. This saves time for both the doctor and the patient.
Next, telemedicine is becoming popular because it eliminates the cost of transportation on the part of the patient. It’s no secret that the healthcare system has spent a lot of time in the news recently. People are trying to find ways to make healthcare more accessible to the general public. Many people do not have the ability to take a full day off from work to go to the doctor. Other people might not have the transportation means to get there. This is where telemedicine can be helpful.
Finally, because of technological advances, many doctors do not perform detailed physical exams anymore. Wireless technology can produce images and collect data on someone’s heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, and more. All of this has made telemedicine possible.
Telemedicine and Herpes Health
In order to make a diagnosis of herpes, many doctors will need to see the sores themselves. Sometimes, the doctor might need to collect scrapings of the sores in order to confirm the diagnosis. The doctor can take a look at the sores remotely, on the screen. Then, if the doctor needs the sores to be scraped to confirm the diagnosis, this can be done at a laboratory near the patient’s home. If the patient has been diagnosed with herpes in the past, the scrapings might not be necessary to confirm the outbreak. This has made telemedicine a popular method of herpes diagnosis and treatment.
HerpAlert and Herpes Treatment
HerpAlert is the go-to herpes treatment solution. This allows patients to connect with doctor s in a private, secure manner that can save you both time and money. Those who are looking for the fastest route to obtain herpes diagnosis and treatment should rely on HerpAlert to make this happen. This is the one-stop-shop for everyone who is looking for high-quality, efficient healthcare. The doctors in this network understand the personal nature of STIs and will provide compassionate care to every patient.